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Jaime Madden PT, DPT, MSPT

Physical Therapist

After taking an anatomy and physiology class in Freshman year, Jaime knew the she wanted to work in a medical field. Jaime loved learning about the body and how it works. After researching different fields and volunteering at a local hospital in various departments, she knew that Physical Therapy was her dream job. Jaime set her sights on PT school and never looked back!

Her favorite thing about working for MOTION PT Group is the camaraderie. Jaime feels the depth of knowledge of her colleagues is unmatched. There is a strong desire to share and cultivate ideas to design a plan for patients to achieve their best outcomes. At MOTION, there is an enthusiasm for the profession, skills, and doing everything they absolutely can for their patients.

Jaime wants her patients to know that she really cares about their goals and their needs. She creates a program around what they want to get back to doing whether it is carrying a grandchild, returning to spin class, being able to take a walk with a loved one, or whatever their needs may be.

Physical Therapy can be life-changing for people with an injury, illness, or condition that is preventing them from living their best life. Jaime has many patients that were amazed at what they achieved in Physical Therapy. Physical Therapists can really identify where a person’s impairments are and create specific plans for each person that addresses not only the specific problem but problems elsewhere that may help prevent future injury. Jaime loves to run and spend time with her kids when she is not at work.


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