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Margarita Lungin PT, DPT, OCS

Physical Therapist

Margarita Lungin, PT, DPT, OCS, completed her Bachelor of Science in Health Science from Stony Brook University and her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from SUNY Downstate. Her affiliations throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan included orthopedics, acute care, and pediatric sensory rehabilitation. As an avid tennis player all her life, Margarita had been president and captain of her high school and nationally ranked undergraduate club. She went on to coach the men’s and women’s tennis teams at Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology during her Physical Therapy program. Her interest in orthopedics and sports led her to obtain her Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) certification in 2020. Margarita plans to obtain her Certified Tennis Performance Specialist certification in the future to further blend her love for the sport with her profession. In her free time, Margarita enjoys photography, fashion, and cycling.


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