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Molly Bergstrom PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Molly Bergstrom, PT, DPT, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science at Merrimack College. She took a year off between undergrad and grad school, working as a physical therapy aide in an outpatient clinic to gain experience while applying to PT school. Molly continued to work as an aide for three years while in PT school. She graduated in May of 2022 from the University of Massachusetts Lowell earning a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. While at UMass Lowell, Molly attended both inpatient and outpatient clinical rotations where she gained experience treating a variety of different injuries and conditions ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics. As a child, Molly knew she wanted to be in the medical field helping others. When her uncle needed physical therapy following a spinal cord injury and told her how much his physical therapists positively impacted his life, she realized this was the profession for her. As a new grad, Molly is excited to continue to expand on her knowledge and experience from PT school and hopefully make a positive and lasting impact on her patients.


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