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Arthritis Pain In The Summer

hand holding shells at the beach

Studies have found that arthritis pain worsens in colder, wet climates as compared to warmer, drier ones. Although the pain may not feel quite as severe during the summer months, arthritis still requires treatment and frequent monitoring. Here at MOTION, we provide quality care for our patients who are experiencing arthritis pain. We can help you better understand your seasonal pain and provide you with the treatment plans necessary to get you feeling your best! Patients often wonder whether or not their arthritis pain actually gets worse due to the changing weather. In order to better understand this phenomenon, studies have been conducted to help determine the correlation.

Relevant Research Studies

Several studies have indicated that changing weather has an impact on the pain that clients with arthritis experience. One study, in particular, asked patients whether or not they felt that their pain increased before colder weather occurs. “67.9 percent of the people surveyed responded that they were sure changes in the weather affected their pain. Most of the patients reported that they could feel a difference in their pain before rain or cold weather occur,” said Robert Jamison, Professor at the Harvard Medical School and chief psychologist at the Pain Management Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Chestnut Hill. Another study that was tested in various European countries also found that there was an increase in pain and stiffness in colder, low-pressure environments. It is quite clear that the level of discomfort varies throughout the year, but arthritis still needs to be treated, even if your pain is merely tolerable.

Is Warm Weather Better for Arthritis?

Factoring in the data from these studies, we can conclude that clients who have arthritis tend to experience changes in their symptoms as a result of the weather. But one might continue to wonder, does that mean that the condition improves during the warmer months of the year? It’s difficult to draw a definitive conclusion. Regardless of the weather, patients with arthritis will still experience symptoms of this disease. Often tying into atmospheric pressure, patients with arthritis tend to claim that low pressure, warm weather leads to a more comfortable presence. All in all, it is unlikely that warm weather actually improves your condition. Instead, we suggest that you consider exercise programs that help relieve pain and allow you to feel more comfortable. Often, patients with arthritis tend to refrain from activity due to discomfort from the disease.

Arthritis Pain and Limited Activities

Something we often associate with summer is increased levels of outdoor activity. While this may be easy for some, patients with arthritis often have a difficult time engaging in sports and recreational activities. This is because arthritis heightens the level of pain and stiffness within the joints, limiting the range of motion and increasing difficulty for ordinary movements. However, arthritis pain can be managed with the help of a physical therapist. Our staff here at MOTION can recommend a workout regiment along with different stretching techniques that can help improve the symptoms caused by arthritis.

How Can MOTION Help?

Even though your arthritis pain may decrease as the temperature increases, it does not mean you should stop exercising and taking care of your joints and muscles. It is vital that there is a continuation in the healing process. Here at MOTION, we will provide quality training to ensure you are back to your daily activities as soon as possible. Our specialized programs can target your area of discomfort and help relieve pain. Request an appointment for a location near you!

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