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Flowing Towards Wellness: Harnessing Yoga’s Healing Power for Recovery, Flexibility, and Fitness

September is also National Yoga Month! Yoga can be a valuable tool to aid in recovery from injury or surgery, improving flexibility, strength and balance, and enhancing your overall fitness regime. Here are some tips to help you incorporate yoga effectively for these purposes:

1. Consult with Professionals: Before starting any new exercise routine, especially during recovery from injury or surgery, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or MOTION physical therapist. They can provide guidance on what movements are safe and appropriate for your specific condition.

2. Choose the Right Style: There are a variety of styles of yoga, ranging from gentle and restorative to more dynamic and intense. For injury recovery, a gentle style like Hatha or Yin yoga might be more suitable. As you progress, you can consider more active styles like Vinyasa or Ashtanga.

3. Start Slowly: Especially if you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, take things slowly and listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard or try advanced poses right away. Focus on gentle stretches and movements that don’t strain your injured areas. If a pose feels too challenging or uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to use props or modify the pose. Bolsters, blocks, and straps can provide support and make poses more accessible.

4. Emphasize Flexibility and Range of Motion: Yoga is excellent for improving flexibility and increasing your range of motion. Gradually work on poses that target the areas you’re recovering from or want to improve. Poses like Downward Dog, Child’s Pose, and Cobra can be helpful.

5. Balance and Stability: Many yoga poses require balance and stability, which can help improve proprioception and prevent future injuries. Tree Pose, Warrior III, and Eagle Pose are great for balance enhancement.

6. Breath Awareness: Yoga emphasizes deep, mindful breathing. This can not only help reduce stress but also promote relaxation, aiding in the healing process. Incorporate breath awareness into your practice to calm your nervous system.

7. Consistency is Key: Regular practice is essential for reaping the benefits of yoga. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as you feel comfortable.

8. Stay Mindful: Yoga encourages mindfulness and being present in the moment. Pay attention to how your body feels during each movement and pose. Avoid any pain or discomfort and focus on gentle sensations.

9. Combine with Other Exercises: Depending on your fitness goals, consider integrating yoga with other forms of exercise like strength training or cardiovascular workouts. Yoga can complement these activities by improving flexibility, balance, and overall body awareness.

10. Progress Gradually: As you recover and gain more strength and flexibility, you can gradually introduce more challenging poses and sequences. Always prioritize safety and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

Remember, each person’s journey is unique. Listen to your body, be patient with yourself, and make adjustments as needed. If you’re new to yoga or dealing with a significant injury, consider working with a certified yoga instructor or physical therapist who can provide personalized guidance.

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