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Photo of Craig Brunson

Craig Brunson PT

Physical Therapist

Craig Brunson a resident of the Bronx. He graduated with his A.A.S from LaGuardia CC as a physical therapist assistant. With 18+ years of experience in outpatient rehabilitation, he is dedicated in assisting people return to prior levels of function and comfort. His passion began early in high school when a childhood friend suffered a debilitating injury that left him unable to walk. Craig was fascinated with the effort and determination of the Physical Therapy team in getting his friend to walk again and at that point Craig knew that this was what he wanted to do. Through personal experiences over the years, he understands the importance of a personalized treatment plan utilizing a combination of manual techniques, therapeutic exercises or whatever maybe necessary to reach an individual’s full rehab potential. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with friends and family, anything pertaining to Chicago Bears football, and fishing, even though he still hasn’t caught the big one.


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