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Unveiling the World of Physical Therapy: A Conversation with MOTION PT Nicholas Crecco

In the realm of healthcare, physical therapy often takes center stage as a crucial aspect of rehabilitation, injury prevention, and overall wellness. To delve deeper into this field and gain insights from a passionate practitioner, we sat down with Nicholas Crecco, PT, DPT, a dedicated physical therapist at MOTION Rye. Nicholas not only shares his path to becoming a physical therapist but also sheds light on the diverse range of conditions he treats, the importance of personalized care, and the latest advancements in the field. Join us as we explore his journey, passion, and perspective on the world of physical therapy.

Q: Can you tell us about your journey to becoming a physical therapist and what inspired you to choose this profession?

Nicholas: I have always been interested in the human body and how it performs in sports. I wanted to learn more about how to optimize the body by building strength. In high school, I had a teacher who was formerly a physical therapist. He gave me a great opportunity to join a mission trip to Haiti. On that trip, I looked around and saw small medical clinics and people in need of care. That trip set me on a trajectory to want to help others.

Q: What are the most common conditions or injuries you treat as a physical therapist?

Nicholas: Most commonly, I treat lower back pain, Achilles injuries, knee pain from ACL and meniscus tears and rotator cuff injuries.

Q: How do you personalize treatment plans for your patients based on their specific needs and goals?

Nicholas: When I first meet with a patient, we go over their personal goals. I ask them about what they love doing, what they are able to do now and what they would love to get back to. I then conduct a thorough examination to see where the limitations are and based on all of this data, I can build a personal physical therapy treatment plan.

Q: Could you share a memorable success story of a patient you’ve worked with?

Nicholas: Recently, I treated a baseball player who hadn’t been able to pitch in over a year due to chronic shoulder pain. He was suffering from shoulder tendonitis which is an overuse injury. For two months we worked together on exercises for overhead throwing and building up strength in supporting muscles. Recently, he was able to return to the mound without pain which was very gratifying and a reminder for why I pursued this career path.

Q: What role does physical therapy play in promoting overall health and wellness?

Nicholas: Physical therapy can assist patients in a variety of ways. Everything from posture to recovery from invasive surgery, we are here to help people achieve an active life without pain. We are here to prevent injury and recover from one by building strength, mindful movement and improving range of motion.

Q: Why do you think it’s important to raise awareness about the field of physical therapy?

Nicholas: There is a common misconception that you need to be in pain or have an active injury or ailment that requires intervention from a physical therapist. However, the reality is we can see anyone. You don’t have to be in pain, you could want to train or work without injury, you could want to improve strength effectively or want to correct a movement that is causing discomfort. Physical therapists are here to support everyone in the way they move.

Q: Can you provide some insights into the latest advancements or techniques in physical therapy that patients might find interesting?

Nicholas: Recently many physical therapists have been working side by side with doctors on rehabilitation protocols for more efficient and effective recoveries while protecting surgical sites. To accomplish this, we have been focusing on eccentric training to recover muscle injuries and tendon strength. Our goal is to get back to what you love as quickly as possible without interference from pain or lingering injury.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering physical therapy as a career path?

Nicholas: Physical therapy is a very rewarding field. If you are passionate about the human body, sports, health, giving back to the community and watching people progress towards their goals – physical therapy could be a great career path to consider! We are always learning, meeting new people and working together as a team.

Q: What makes MOTION a special place to work?

Nicholas: MOTION works hard to put the patient at the center of everything we do. We partner with our patients to make sure their goals are met. We personalize our treatment plans and get to know each patient as an individual. We are invested in their success!

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