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Class is in Session

Back to school is just around the corner! After a summer of rest and activity, settling back into the school year routine can be overwhelming for parents and children alike. As we prepare for the school year, here are a few tips from your physical therapists at MOTION to set you and your child up for success:

Packing your bags:

Growing spines should be treated with great care and that starts with the backpack. To avoid aches and pains, pack accordingly.

  • Place the heaviest items in the back and continue packing in weight order
  • When wearing the backpack, make sure your child is using both shoulder straps to evenly distribute the weight
  • Leave unnecessary items at home – plan for what books and supplies are absolutely needed to avoid overstuffing backpacks
  • A full backpack should weigh no more than 10% of your child’s body weight

School travel:

Consider the gear your child needs for going to and from school. Biking? Make sure to have a properly fitting helmet and reflectors. Walking? Get a comfortable shoe that offers arch support and have boots on hand to prevent slips and falls in the rain and snow.

Homework set-up:

When children come home, make sure that they have a place to do homework where they can sit upright and comfortably. Your goal should be to promote a neutral spine to avoid neck aches and slouching.

Leave room for fun:

Before coming home and rolling right into homework, allow your child to play outside or do another activity that gets them up and moving. After sitting through a long day of classes, it’s natural for children to want to get moving before settling back down into the chair for homework and dinner.

Little league sports are a great outlet for this energy! If returning from injury, work with your physical therapist on a timeline that makes sense to return to sport. Many children can be anxious to get back onto the field or court but rushing could lead to injury and more time on the sidelines.

Don't live with pain.

If you’ve been dealing with a nagging injury or persistent pain, don’t wait any longer. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert physical therapists today.

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