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Occupational Therapy For Workers Comp Injuries

No one wants to deal with getting hurt on the job. If you’re going to get back to work sooner rather than later, you’ll need a team of medical experts to help you make a full recovery. At MOTION, we can be this team. We can provide you with the occupational therapy you need to restore your health to pre-injury levels.

Common Workers’ Comp Injuries

One of the significant benefits of occupational therapy is the variety of issues it can help correct. Consider scheduling an appointment with our team if you’ve been injured on the job. These treatment sessions may be just what you need to get back to full strength. Below are some of the most common workers’ comp injuries that our team will treat:

  • Overextensions
  • Repetitive strains
  • Dislocations
  • Trauma after being exposed to brute force

What Is Occupational Therapy?

When you’ve recently been injured and want to fully recover so you can return to the workforce, our team highly recommends undergoing occupational therapy sessions. Occupational therapy is a form of treatment that uses both assessments and interventions to develop, recover, or maintain the ability to complete certain activities. After sustaining an injury, the functionality of the affected area will likely be compromised. By working with our team, you may find that your functionality levels can be restored.

How Does Occupational Therapy Work?

If you’re unfamiliar with this form of treatment, you’re likely a bit wary of committing to a rehabilitation program that uses it. Let’s break down how occupational therapy works; the first part of this process involves assessing the damage and determining the goals you’d like to achieve. Once this has been completed, our team works to create a plan that allows our patients to reach their goals and restore their functionality levels. There are a variety of ways this is accomplished, including:

  • Reteaching the injured area on how to function
  • Learning new ways to complete tasks you are now unable to
  • Using assistive devices
  • Creating an activity plan to restore strength and movement
  • Carefully monitoring progress and reassessing goals once they are met

What Occupational Therapy Will Help With

After sustaining an injury in the workplace, there are many different issues patients may find themselves dealing with, and occupational therapy can be used to correct these issues. If you’re faced with one or more of the following health following problems, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our team:

  • Chronic pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Reduced strength
  • Balance issues
  • Problems with vision
  • After-effects over surgery

The Benefits Of Occupational Therapy

Now that we’ve touched upon how occupational therapy works and what it can treat, let’s discuss the benefits that occupational therapy will bring to our patients. Much like physical therapy, occupational therapy is hugely beneficial to patients in need of care. That is why our team is committed to providing it to those who require it. Examples of the benefits occupational therapy can bring to those who have suffered workers’ comp injuries include:

  • Regaining strength in the affected area
  • Improving your flexibility and range of motion
  • Eliminating pain
  • Potentially avoiding the need for surgery
  • Allowing you to retain your independence
  • Receiving post-operative care to minimize the complications of surgery

Contact Our Team

Here at MOTION, we want patients to feel comfortable receiving treatment from us after being involved in a workers’ comp injury. This is one of the reasons we offer occupational therapy as a service. Our team provides this type of therapy to patients in need so they can make a full recovery and get back to doing what they love. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today.

Don't live with pain.

If you’ve been dealing with a nagging injury or persistent pain, don’t wait any longer. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert physical therapists today.

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